Anna Merveldt wins 3* Grand Prix class in Ornago

Anna Merveldt’s good run of international form continued with a Grand Prix Kür (Freestyle to Music) win at three-star show in Ornago, Italy on Sunday.

Anna and the 13-year-old Lusitano stallion Esporim, owned by Mario Greco and Giovanna Mazza, scored 73.550% for first place, the best of four competitors in the class.  Merveldt and Esporim placed second in the Grand Prix class on Friday scoring 66.457%.

The victorious Italian-based Merveldt said: “I am delighted with the win.  Unfortunately, Esporim’s stabling arrangements meant he was somewhat distracted by a mare in season earlier in the show!

“But he calmed down today, started to focus and was really listening to me.  The choreography of my new freestyle to music floor plan includes the sequencing of advanced dressage movements at a high degree of technical difficulty.