IHB AGM 2024

The Industrial and Provident Societies Acts 1893-1978 (as amended) Irish Horse Board Co-operative Society Limited
(“the Society”)
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the above Society will be held at 7.00pm (check-in opens at 6.45pm) at the Bloomfield House Hotel, Leisure Club & Spa, Belvedere, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath, Ireland N91 HP8E on Tuesday 27th February 2024.
- To approve the minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Society held on 26th March 2022.
- To receive the Chairman’s statement.
- To receive the financial statements for 2021 and 2022 and the auditor’s report thereon.
- To appoint the auditor.
- Any other business.
Please note that copies of the 2021 and 2022 financial statements are available on request to IHB members by email to: info@ihb.ie. Check-in for the AGM will open at 7pm.
By Order of the Board,

Alison Corbally, Director General
Dated: 3rd February 2024
Special General Meeting (SGM) Notification
A Special General Meeting of the Society will be held at 8pm at the Bloomfield House Hotel, Leisure Club & Spa, Belvedere, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath, Ireland N91 HP8E on Tuesday 27th February 2024 to consider the following resolution in accordance with Rule 76 of the Rules of the Society:
a) that the following Rule of the Society be amended as follows:-
Rule 47 (ii) – ELECTION OF BOARD
Current Rule wording:
The Board shall be elected through a postal ballot in accordance with arrangements determined in the first instance by the Special Members and subsequently by the Board.
Propose to change Rule 47 (ii) to the following wording:
The Board shall be elected through a ballot conducted electronically in accordance with arrangements determined by the Board.
b) that the notice to members of the Society will be provided under rule 47 (ix) as follows:-
Rule 47 (ix) – Co-option of Directors to the Board
In the event that the members decide in General Meeting, having received notice of the intention to do so, such General Meeting may authorise the Board to co-opt not more than two persons to the Board, and the provisions of Rules 48 and 54(a) and (d) shall not apply to such co-opted directors. The total membership of the Board shall not exceed fifteen in total and such co-options shall apply until the next Annual General Meeting but may be renewed.
Rule 47 (ix) notice is issued to members as follows:
Notice is formally issued to members informing them that the Board intends to co-opt up to two persons, with specialist skills to enhance the skills base of the Board.