Irish Horse Board Statement – RTE Investigates Program

The Irish Horse Board (IHB) are appalled by the criminal activity and animal abuse outlined in the RTE investigates program.

Ireland is world-renowned for its affinity with the horse and its exceptional breeding, production and care of horses in all disciplines. The reputational damage caused by a number of individuals acting in such a despicable manner cannot be tolerated and the IHB call on the appropriate authorities to ensure that the full rigors of the law are enforced and action is taken against those involved.

There needs to be a closer examination of all the processes involved and of those who are responsible for ensuring that the correct procedures are followed – something that is clearly not the case currently based on the evidence outlined in the RTE program.

We urge the authorities to ensure that a humane and monitored end of life solution is put in place, on this island of Ireland, to ensure that all equines receive the appropriate level of care that they deserve at this final stage.

A thorough fast-tracked review of the implementation of EU legislation and, an audit of its implementation across Europe is required, to identify the current weakness and address them. Separate bilateral agreements with Ireland and the UK authorities are urgently required to establish an all-island solution for Irish horse owners. The Irish Horse Board officials under their DAFM remit are ready to assist in all aspects of the steps required, to protect the reputation of the Irish Horse Industry for all those breeders and producers acting with total integrity.