My Account FAQ

Below we cover some or the questions we get asked most frequently from our members. If you are stuck on anything that we haven’t covered below, drop us an email from our contact page and we’ll endeavor to get back to you ASAP.

Question 1:
I purchased an IHB share and have received an email about my IHB account. How do I access it, I don’t have a password?

If you purchased a share an account will have automatically been created for you. Here is what you need to know to access your account.

  • Go to the following link to set a password – reset my password.
  • On the reset password page, enter the email address you used to purchase the share and click the “Request Password Reset” button.
  • You will now receive an email form us with a link. Click this link and you will be taken to a page where you can select a new password.
Question 2:
Some of my details are incorrect how can I correct them? (i.e. address, phone no, share cert no)

On logging in you will be directed to your account page.

This page has a number of tabs on it. The first tab is the “Home” tab, this will be selected by default. On this tab, among other fields you will see options to update –

  • Your name
  • Your address,
  • Mobile Number
  • IHB Share Certificate Number

Once you are satisfied you your updates click the “Save Profile” button at the bottom of the form.

Question 3:
I have logged in to my account, how do I renew my membership from here?

On logging in you will be directed to your account page.

Go to the subscriptions tab.

If your IHB membership has expired you will see the ‘Active’ column is set to ‘No’ and there will be a Subscribe button on the right of the table. Click this to renew.

Question 4:
Can I still access my ACRES letters on my account?

Yes you view and download your ACRES letters via the ‘Documentation’ tab on your account.

However in addition to your membership for the year the letter is required.

If you are not seeing your ACRES letters on your account, please supply a photograph of the Section 1 Part A (see sample of page below) of your Irish Draught, Connemara Pony or Kerry Bog Pony studbook passport page and a photograph of the ownership page confirming you as the owner of the horse/pony and return the two photographs to to be eligible to receive your ACRES letter.

Question 4:
My Name or my Address are incorrect on my ACRES letters can I fix this?

Yes, no problem.

First take a look at Question 1 above to see how you can update your account information.

After updating and saving your account information go to the documentation tab and click the regenerate button on you ACRES letter. This will regenerate the letter with your updated information.

Question 5:
Can I download my IHB Share Certificate from my account

Yes, if you have purchased your share cert online on this website. In that case you will find it under the Documentation tab.

However if you purchased your share offline or prior to coming online in 2023 then it won’t be present on your account.